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Η κυριαρχία της Λέρου δημιουργήθηκε για τουριστικούς σκοπούς, απόδημους, εκπατρισθέντες καί οποιονδήποτε επιθυμεί νά εχει πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη Λέρο.

Ευχόμαστε να δημιουργήσουμε αυτή την κυριαρχία σάν κύριο πληροφοριακό σημείο δια οποιανδήποτε πληροφορία σχετικά με τό νησί.

Αλέξανδρος Σταματίου

The Leros.org domain was created in order for tourists, ex-patriots and anyone else that wants to easily access information regarding the island of Leros in Greece.

Leros.org was the first domain ever registered that promoted Leros with its beauties, culture and people.

We hope to establish this domain as a main reference point for any information concerning the island.

Alexandros Stamatiou

Copyright Information

All Rights Reserved by Owners and Publishers


Information regarding History of Leros and Region Information (towns etc.) in these pages have been taken from:

  1. Leros (Leros Map in Greek, English, Italian and German) *
  2. Leros (An island in the heart of the Aegean in Greek) *
  3. Leros (a paradise in the Aegean in English) **

* Published by Mr. Savvas Filakouris. Permission has been taken for reproduction of text and pictures in these pages from Mr. Filakouris by phone on the 13th January 1999 11:18am.

** Publication is funded by the Municipality of Leros. Archives by M.Toubis. Pictures by N. Daloglou.

*,** Editions of  Michalis Toubis S.A.    tel: (21) 9923876 Athens.



All text and pictures in the Leros during the W.W.II pages have been taken from the book by Mr. M.Samarkou "Leros, Malta of the Aegean" Athens 1974 [ ΜΙΧ. Ι. ΣΑΜΑΡΚΟΥ "ΛΕΡΟΣ Η ΜΑΛΤΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΙΓΑΙΟΥ" ΑΘΗΝΑ 1974 ].


Text and pictures in the History of Leros page in Greek have been taken from a book by Mr. Manoli A. Isichu "Leros Panorama" Leros 1989 [ "ΤΟ ΠΑΝΟΡΑΜΑ ΤΗΣ ΛΕΡΟΥ" Μανολη Α. Ησυχου , ΛΕΡΟΣ 1989 ].


Special thanks to Katsiboulas Vassilios for providing the information taken from the two books mentioned above.

Note: Now released its 2nd edition in Athens 2001 and distributed for free  by "IDIKI OLOKLIROMENI DRASI LEROU" sponsored by the EU etc.





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Μηνιαία εφημερίδα ΛΕΡΙΑΚΑ ΝΕΑ

Ιδιοκτησία: Πανελλήνιας Ένωσης Λεριών

Σαλαμινομάχων 12, Καλλίπολη, Πειραιά, Τ.Κ. 185 44, Ελλάς



AgMarina_House_ArchitectureBookCover.jpg (17495 bytes) All text and pictures in the Traditional Architecture of Leros Gallery pages have been taken from the book by Marina - Athina Veniadou "Leros" Greek Traditional Architecture 1984, published by Melissa [Μελισσα].











Drawed pictures are taken from the book Across the Aegean: An Artist's Journey from Athens to Istanbul by Marlene McLoughlin.






All text a have been taken from the book by Leonard Marsland Ganger "Long Road to Leros", Published by Macdonald & Co., (publishers) Ltd. 19 Ludgate Hill, London







All text a have been taken from the book by Jeffrey Holland "The Aegean Mission" Allied Operations in the Dodecanese 1943. Published by Greenwood Press 1988.






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